IDT Energy Joins Retail Energy Supply Association

IDT Energy was recently named a member of the Retail Energy Supply Association.

CEO Geoff Rochwarger said: “IDT Energy is pleased to join RESA and its efforts to bring the benefits of competition to consumers who are still held captive by their local utility monopoly. In America, consumers should have the freedom to choose their energy supplier. Competitive markets bring more choice, lower rates, and innovation that puts the customer first.”

RESA President Melissa Lauderdale added: “RESA member companies are dedicated to providing value to natural gas and electric customers in competitive markets across the United States. We are pleased to welcome IDT Energy to our group of innovative and forward-thinking energy suppliers.”

New Study to Explore Energy Saving Obstacles

According to a recent article in Bloomberg BusinessWeek, the Haas School of Business at the University of California at Berkley and MIT’s Center for Energy & Environmental Policy Research are launching a research project to better understand energy use and cost-effective ways to reduce it.

Bloomberg explains “We all know that air conditioning eats up an enormous amount of energy. We also know that installing ceiling fans would allow us to use the air conditioner a lot less. And we know all the savings over time would pay for the ceiling fan.”

In that case, why aren’t more people buying them?

The new study plans to answer that question, and many others like it.