An easy way to save money on one’s IDT Energy or other utility service provider bill is by simply turning off the computer. In fact, neglecting to do so is a true waste of energy. One way to make this easier is with the EcoButton which is plugged into a USB drive. Whenever you leave your computer, press the button, which puts the computer into energy-saving mode. When you return, press it again and the computer resumes in the same place it was left. You are unlikely to forget, as the button is very bright and right next to the computer. It’s very good for people who are multitasking and often come and go with their computer.
The other cool thing about the EcoButton is that it estimates the average annual electricity savings when used efficiently, will be approximately $60, giving one a 500% return on their investment in the first year alone. Indeed, it is able to calculate the amount of energy saved every time it is used so that one can actually see how much money they are saving with every button press, giving them immediate gratification.