As any New York energy provider can confirm, seasonal changes dramatically impact energy use in homes and office buildings. IDT Energy and other local companies can provide personalized advice for people seeking to lower their monthly bill.
In the meantime, here are a few tips from to prepare for the upcoming winter season:
- When using your furnace, set your heating thermostat at 68 degrees or lower during the day, health permitting. Set your thermostat at 55 degrees for the night, or when you will be away for more than four hours.
- In winter, open drapes on sunny days to help warm the rooms.
- Do only full loads when using the clothes washer and dryer.
- Clean the dryer lint trap after each use, and check the dryer vent for clogging. When possible, dry your clothes on a line.
- Close the damper when not using the fireplace and turn your heater(s) down when using your fireplace.